Proof in the Pudding – A ClairVoyance Example
So there are many ‘psychic senses’ or ways to ‘jack into the implicate order’ and get info from ‘upstairs’.
One of them is ClairVoyance and for me, like my mentor actually, Gigi, that turned on later than other gifts.
So it wasn’t until August of 2018 that this skill set started turning on to a new level for me. And boom that fall I worked to increase it. It became stable, steady, something I could rely on – every day I’d receive images, visuals, symbols – and they were literally 100% accurate. Still to this day I have not had a wrong vision.
Note – Gigi says a good psychic can only read about 70% accurately because the future is only probable. More on that later. For me, most of my ClairVoyance is about shaping my personality or my lessons I’m learning: but at times it predicts the future, and that I discuss here.
The spring of 2019 I started seeing sports images in my meditation. They kept coming into my meditation at random: at first it was the Patriots Helmet. I didn’t understand what it meant, at first I thought maybe I should go to Boston, then I thought, maybe they will sin the Super Bowl? The playoffs were bout to start. About the third time it happened, I was like: I bet they are about to win the Super Bowl, I think that’s what it means. It was January right before the playoffs started. Soon after that, the Patriots helmet came up, then the Chargers, then the Patriots. I looked it up and the Patriots had a buy in round 1, but the Chargers had a game. So I thought this is what the visions mean: the Chargers will win Round 1, and then the Patriots will win round 2. I even bet on it. That’s a funny side story. But that’s what happened, both those things came true.
Patriot helmet kept coming up in meditation after that: and one time it came up HUGE. So I was like: they will win the super bowl.
They did.
That same spring through Intuition I was given Clemson over Alabama for the NCAA tourney, Virginia for the Men’s hoops tourney, Tiger Woods for the masters, and by far my favorite: Toronto Raptors for the NBA title (before Durant was hurt!)
The point of this isn’t to be a show-off: it’s literally just a nice elevator story about the work I do: it is simple enough to understand, we have a higher self that is beyond time-space and interacting with that can be useful. Obviously, the real purpose of the higher self is to guide your life and my ClairVoyance helps me shape my personality every day. That, and I use it for the people I work with, which is also useful (extremely).
Another reason I think this happened is so I’d have even more confidence in my own ClairVoyance, to be honest.
my higher selves went out of their way to clarify that I did not ‘do’ this, that is was given to me,
The other thing that happened in the spring is over a period of about a week I’d get a sports image, say the New Jersey Devils, or the Boston Celtics, and every single time that team won by a massive blowout.
Here’s how I understand that to work – the future is not set in stone, but there are probabilities and sometimes before a result, you can discern what’s most likely going to happen. For these cases with the blowouts, probably something was brewing emotionally and subconsciously, so the spirits knew one team was about to fold to the other, for some purposes. In one instance Kyrie Irving needed to have an awesome game and he did, and I expect that was brewing in his subconscious as well as the other team’s which perhaps had a need to regroup in some way – and thus this blowout was somewhat pre-planned and the probability was strong enough that my intuition could pick it up.
2020 update – got LSU and Clemson helmets in JUNE. Though NFL got wrong (upside down colts helmet) – that story evolving. 1/14/2020 (Getting Green Bay this week)
The point overall with this topic is offering personal data points in support of the empowering truth that being in tune with your higher self is truly possible.
In more intimate and important ways, these skills help people navigate important life turns.