
Herr Bohm! Dr Bohm, Oh Professor, Oh Bohm.
Bohm is like a magna opus.
Einstein said this of our dear Bohm, “If anyone will move forward Quantum Physics, it will be Bohm.” They worked together at Princeton, you know. Einstein was older. The elder. And Bohm was already famous, he did fancy things in Thermodynamics. They worked together on the Manhattan project, too.
But Bohm was a real G, like Einstein. They weren’t establishment men, you know? Most physicists pretend that things are ‘right’, that things are figured out. But they aren’t, so that is Tom Foolery, and thus it’s the ducks that Quack like Einstein and Bohm who move the boat.
Like when Einstein said E=mc2 – that was game-changing.

What Einstein was saying, is that the matter can be converted to energy – that they are like phases of eachother, that they relate. Which, and we know this from splitting the Atom, means that matter can become energy again.
Almost like ice and water, it’s all energy, but the energy condenses like water freezing to ice… and that’s what our place is like: matter, physical reality, a more condensed form of energy..
The energy begins as awareness, quite truly, and with Bohm, we finally see this in math.
That’s the thing. Bohm.
Ok. We realize the obvious.
Bohm puts it all into Wave Equations for us. Textbook – ‘The Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory‘.
Let me quickly explain things. The word quantum means ‘discrete’ or packeted, like an mp3 instead of an analog record. The place glitches, or moves in discrete energy bumps.
It’s better to think of it as notes in an octave, or a harmonic – we go Do, Re, Mi…. La, Ti, Do!
Now the smallest ‘quanta’ we observe is basically that of a photon. They call it the ‘planck’ unit, or the smallest observable tick.
Now the issue is that the rules of physics begin to change as we approach the ‘planck’, that’s why the whole last century was so weird.
Now when they talk about a ‘unifying theory of physics’, they mean something that can make sense of large scale physics (like Einstein’s relativity, and galactic scale gravitational dynamics) and also the smaller physics around the photon (which they have a whole ‘nother set of math for, called quantum physics).
So they believe there should be one set of math, to rule them all.
And this, Bohm already accomplished.
Why is it not the dominant math? Well, at all major universities, really, there are people who prefer Bohm.
It’s just what Bohm concluded was too good to be true, for most people.
At least for now – the ball moves forward at whatever speed it can. And people have a strong aversion to the powerful place that Bohm puts us in.
You know the story of the prodigal son?
The son who leaves the father, squanders the wealth. That is the state of the lower self who is fearful (guilt) of returning home.
And these energies literally want to betray the truth, so they can continue to fester in the dark and enjoy their parasitic squandry.
Real talk.
Bohm – what we found was that the place is ALWAYS CREATED. Not just a distant big bang, but continuously – there is an information field that is always shaping the place.
You and I are here and there – we exist in the creation, and in the sculpting process.

I do not want to bore you. But let us say this all again.
What I am saying is that Quantum Physics as Bohm found it, and as it was taught to me at Rice, is a rag-tag collection of random-ass ‘events’ that we have math for – statistics that predict what will happen.
There is no wholistic real comprehension. Or as Bohm called it – Ontological Interpretation, of what is really happening in reality.
It’s like Ayn Rand’s Fountainhead out there, just a very hard to understand hodgepodge presentation historically of this study, that study, and the resulting math that seems to work. BUT WHAT IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING?!
That is Bohm. He did that. He saw the problem, and he accomplished the task.
He described what is going on, and it is as follows.
The underlying order behind everything that happens is a field of awareness or ‘insides’. Now if you followed physics much you know they were having all sorts of problems in the twentieth century where the ‘consciousness’ of the observer was creating results.
Now to Bohm that situation of the ‘consciousness’ affecting the reality was just intrinsically part of what was happening because everything that was happening was within this bedrock of consciousness.
All of the experiments were happening inside of the reality we are all in – which is in a field of consciousness.
The ‘matter’ or the ‘energy’ that we perceive, well that was just a subset of the whole thing. That’s the ‘explicate’ order we all know and love, our dear physical reality – our playhouse in form.
Now what is important is that there is continual feedback, or relationship, between the internal and external. By the way, there are ‘orders’ of internal – like it goes up a tree, we don’t know how far.
All psychic teachers affirm this same thing – levels of creation above us.
The math points to it, is all I’m saying.
Now with Bohm, let’s look at that Princeton experiment with the electrons and see how it makes sense.
That’s where the electron is going to split left or right. If we merely include the implicate order, it makes sense. The college kids sitting in front of the splitter make an imprint in the implicate order, intention for the electron to go left. This genuinely shifts the wave field informing the electron of the situation. There’s a little nudge to go left.
Now if you study enough quantum physics, and I’m happy to help with this, we see this all the time: the electron is acting with awareness of the whole situation. Including who is observing it and all that.
Now Bohm sees this quite clearly as a genuine information field. The properties of this information field are similar to a hologram, in that the unitive quality is present – it all relates, or it all connects, instantaneously, as a whole. That’s the Interconnection and Entanglement we talked about.
A hologram, if you have a tiny bit of it, you can reclaim the full image. It’s all encoded that way – the all in the parts.
And we are saying that the Miracle of All That Is has this function, this feature, that God is in All Things. Duh. Again, little kid logic, finally in math.
What Creator would forego its creations?