Going Forward
It’s good to sit with this and digest it for a moment; really think about the implications.
If this place is truly spiritual, if we have a higher self watching over us and interacting with us, what then are the priorities?
Perhaps a view to ponder a moment is this: consider that every move you make is tracked, recorded, known; your lessons are being put in front of you; your elders are monitoring your progress.
And too, if you learn to view it properly, there are clues being given to you. There are nudgings, and signposts.
You are being guided. Shaped. Molded. But you have choices, too – it is up to you; in key moments you perform.
So we’ll have to investigate this view, to see if this is true. We’ll have to try on the beliefs, and see what can happen.
That process I assist you in mapping out in the curriculum Crossing the Bridge, and of course, we’re always working on this in our 1-on-1s.
Consider this: we may be able to achieve near perfect health with this whole endeavor. If we are shaping our form, could it not be almost fully at ease?
Aiming for this… aiming for this…