
Interconnection – Engtanglement

Topic Progress:

This is a finding from the century past that is so game-changing it’s worth diving into fully.

Entanglement !! Interconnection

Note, by year 2021 – this is well known, but, cough cough, hmm hmm. Let’s begin.

Einstein called this phenom “spooky action at a distance” and had a hard time believing it would ‘prove true’ experimentally, even though the math indicated it would. Einstein was a duck, but this was an odd, odd duck.

It did eventually prove true 🙂 First with photons, and now with clusters the size of marbles.

What this is?

Simply stated version is information faster than time-space max speed C.

Common Example: couple two photons together, ie photons ought to be paired, measurable by spin states.

Then, separate the photons by large distances and confirm that the photons can ‘communicate’ with eachother, and appropriately set spin states – instantaneously – which is nearly miraculous, because they can do this over vast distances without having to make a phone call through time and space.

THAT IS – not through space-time at max speed C, but seemingly via some inside-out mechanism intrinsic to space-time or the holding environment, that occurs instantly, via snap.

Again in the basic example we have photon 1 in a state of spin A, on say Pluto, and instantly, on Jupiter, photon 2 becomes aware of this stance taken on Pluto.

We will learn via Bohm’s math to view this as most probably occurring via the ‘holding environment’ which Bohm names as the ‘implicate order’, or colloquially in spiritual terms, as ‘the upper dimensions,’ ‘source-field,’ ‘awareness-gestalt’ or ‘hallways of eternity.

Not to get ahead of ourselves, as careful must we be with what we say is true-true, as science is still young-young.

That said, observably – the holding environment has more omniscient properties than we conventionally recognize in our more Newtonian experience of space-time presumptions we inherited from our mechanical past.

Now Boom. Entanglement. Juicy.

Scientists name this phenom ‘non-local’ as the communication occurs in fashions beyond the constraints of our ‘local’ reality, with space-time rules like max speed of information C.

There are alternate views into what is occurring, less magical than ‘non-local’ – but the mind-body sciences we shall review next will affirm that this ‘non-local’ comm is not only possible but rather natural, and highly useful.

And you can prove it true, if you dare – and unlock the glory that is your source.

Not Just Photons

Scientists have been achieving the entanglement effect with relatively ‘massive’ entities the size of marbles – much bigger than single photons.

Humans Too

And again – most importantly for us – we’ll review ABUNDANT EVIDENCE that Humans can achieve non-local communication, as made clear from the following ‘fish-that-fly’ science experiments, like remote viewing, telepathy and so-on (no critic I dare you!).

So we, like the photons, can participate ‘non-locally’, [holy!], straddling space-time like immortal geniuses.

Shake’n Bake

And so we do go on.

Gentle in the Breeze

Course Discussion