
CIA Document

Topic Progress:

So the issue, as far as I’m concerned, is that we don’t have, or at least I don’t know it if we do, haven’t found it – we don’t have a perfect map of the ‘upper dimensions’.

Bohm’s math is cool, as I said. He shows there is indeed an ‘inner’ realm or a consciousness realm, an ‘upper realm’, which holds the whole thing together – and his math shows that there are orders within that, like levels going up and up. But not how many…

Frankly you can look at string theory, which sometimes shows 24 dimensions. Some have taken that to 12, others have even reduced it to 8. Some 11, others 13. There is a spiritual text, The Law of One, which has a compelling narrative of 8 levels – an Octave. I can discuss that, it’s interesting. I would NOT say that text is ‘objectively’ for sure true, though.


So, we do not know how many ‘dimensions’ or ‘levels’ there are. Not yet, that I am aware. This makes us pioneers.

Now most hippies will tell you with certainty that there are 12, or 9, but they are just hippies, no offense, and they believe blindly. So ignore them. Be wise.

My intuition has dropped a few crumbs that the Octave model is correct – but it has not been ‘certain’, not at all. Like – the data points have not been hugely assertively solid, thus I hold the question in mind, curious still.

Anyway – this is a document from 1989, that the CIA released. They study such things as ‘remote viewing’ as they view it as military threat. Page 11 and 12 are worth reading. They talk about ‘levels’ of consciousness or dimensions. It starts on page 11, with the number ’18’ and it says ‘Time-Space Dimension’.

Maybe I should summarize it though. Here is what amazing – and I guess this is stupidly obvious – but to me I spent years wondering about it, and did not find it in any text books.

What are the ‘upper dimensions’? Like – there aren’t good answers to that. Bohm, at least in what I could understand, did not approach that subject really. Maybe he did and I missed it.

Anyway, I wondered about it for a while. At some point, and again, maybe this is stupid-dumb, but it just felt like the answer had to be that the upper dimensions were at speeds faster than our planck unit, or the ‘spaces inbetween’.

What the planck is… basically, you know how they call it Quantum Physics? That word Quantum means that the place is quantized – that the place Glitches, it moves discretely: in units, packets. Not analog, but MP3. Which is to say that reality is glitching, phasing in and out.

What Bohm said is that as we inhale, or ‘glitch into spirit’, we’re in the ‘implicate’ order. And as we exhale, we’re here.

Now what is the inhale? Or where is the inhale, is the inquiry here. Or, where are the spirits? The spirits say they are ‘higher frequency’. And so if you are higher frequency than we are, that means you tick faster than our base-quanta – or you are vibrating above our plane. Said plain-jane simple-syrup, your oscillation speed is so fast that you’re in the ‘inbetween places’ – going faster than anything we see, because our reality begins at the planck. The planck is the smallest little iota of space we observe.

So anyway – I found this CIA document while researching another set of math. And this goddamn CIA document is saying this is correct, that the higher dimensions are at speeds faster than the planck.


Science, I feel like it demands such a focus – it hurts! It hurts! But to know!!! It is worth it, it is worth it.

Shaman nectar sizzle dizzle. Hippedy Hoobedy Ho!

The TL;DR – the ‘spirits’ are ticking faster than us. And the goddamn CIA studied things like Remote Viewing, and they tried to write-up how they thought it was working. And it ended up being the plain-Jane simple logic you’d figure it had to be, that the frequencies of the spirits are above the planck.

This is useful because it gives us a ‘valid’ conception of ‘the upper dimensions’. Another set of math thinks of this as speeds above the speed of light. What we are saying here, in what seems to me to be much more grounded math, is that they are at oscillation speeds above the planck, or ‘before the photon’. Before there was light. You know.

PS – I am not that good at physics.* Like, I never really learned the math, except to pass the tests, and then I forgot it. Some of it I remember. I am just saying – there are goddamn spirits, and it’s good to think of where they ‘objectively’ are. And we are saying, they are ticking faster. They are at bandwidths that we do not perceive with our physical senses, since that whole physical realm, as Bohm calls it, ‘The Explicate Order’, is bound within the planck quantas, or our little subset of the whole place.

*mind you, when I was there, Rice had the #2 most difficult physics program in the country… but ya, I did not try very hard at it. Instead I was drunk. Oye vay.

We Mystics span the whole spectrum, ya dig. That’s me and that’s you. You beautiful spiritual being.

That is why we dance the Robot, cause this damn joint is Quantized.

Hologram, Quantized – and yet Nature, Biology. All of it Yes Yes Yes.

CIA – “Analysis and Assessment of the Gateway Process”

Ya pages 11 and 12 are worth a salt. Again – the government studies these ‘psychic’ processes. They call it ‘the gateway’ here – when our mind goes ‘multi-dimensional’.

One Other Way to Think of It

You could think of the whole place (spirit country included) as analog, or continuous. A long melody. And we here in time/space are used to certain notes… like we skip beats, only hear a certain pattern, a certain ‘physical’ dimension. But! Our self-hood is actually continuous, and we can learn to hear the other beats. We are in the whole place, ya dig.

We just have a selected focus here in time/space, cause concious cats can do such things.

Hallways of eternity, let it ring.

In the forest of Mt Shasta you hear the other melodies quite truly

Course Discussion