
Resources – Hard Evidence

Here is about as short of a summary as you can get on the research into our magical nature over the past 150 years.


To skip right to it, you’ll find on about the 4th page of the PDF there is a table of contents where you can hyperlink to the ‘Scientific Evidence’ chapter (6). And that’s what you want: the survey of evidence of the past 150 years into ‘psi’, or magic.

The Hard Evidence

In a nutshell what the book is saying is that if you look at all the evidence that has been gathered in the past 150 years, the Soul perspective or magical perspective is beginning to shine through in spades (abundance). 

Precognition, telepathy and bending matter (which they call force of will) and such things have been demonstrated again and again, sometimes in thousands of studies. 

All of these phenomena are at six sigma status, which means they’re beyond a billion to one odds against chance valid, and often much higher than that.

Think of that: precognition, telepathy, and bending physical reality…. are PROVEN. And Fox News drones on. (Ha jk).

The whole point of this, again, is to have the right science – to know what the human mind can do; which for us, is going to be game changing and open the door to connecting with that aspect of us: our higher self.

So by knowing the science that says we can indeed perceive beyond time and space, it opens us up to connect to that aspect of us: our eternal self.

This will be our most valuable asset in life. That and our physical health 🙂

My Take – Second Resource

I do have one more writing, which is probably the shortest summary you could have of the essential science for this platform, or worldview.

More or less my article summarizes the science that Dean Radin reviews, and then it puts them into the context of David Bohm’s math – the holistic understanding, or theory that makes sense of it.

Dean Radin’s book, the PDF I attached, mentions David Bohm once – which I’ll quote here, as it eludes to what my essay dives into.

“Eventually we may reach the domain that the esoteric traditions call gnosis. At that stage, gnosis is not just a state of awareness, nor is it a state of physics. Such dualistic distinctions only appear at higher levels. Instead, ultra-deep layers of reality may be more like physicist David Bohm’s concept of what he called an “implicate order,” an inherently mental, potential domain, from which physical reality emerges. This emergence is what we’ve been calling force-of-will magic, for want of a more accurate term”.

Final Thoughts

Just to help make this clear, with a wildebeest’s persistence: this understanding is crucial.

Because it is our much needed ‘evidence’ and ‘proof’ that the place is an enlivened energy grid, and that we transcend space-time ‘within’, which opens up the doors to our soul, our higher self guidance.

This is what the ancients meant by ‘the kingdom is within’.

Course Discussion