Hey buddy.
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Perhaps consciousness is the root fabric of energy, that it’s all one thing in different phase – like the phases of gas, liquid, solid, there is consciousness, energy, matter.
Some good evidence that this may be the case came out of Princeton over the past few decades. What they found is that consciousness is able to interact with matter, to change its behavior. Which is a mind-bend on the old fashioned reductionist worldview.
A key study of theirs is what they call Human-Machine Anomalies. What they do is build a random process in a machine. Then they introduce a human element. Have someone set an intention for the process. So instead of random, some human intends for a certain outcome. Then they measure the results to see if there is an effect. And to their great surprise, there was – small but noticeable and repeatable. They did these studies over three decades and amassed massive amounts of data to affirm this as a reality.
So this begins to open the door to consciousness interacting with matter. Which is a good start, and there’s more we will look at. First, for fun, it’s interesting to note some secondary findings of theirs.
In many instances, there appeared to be operator-specific effects [specific to the person setting the intention] in that the results of given operators on widely different machines frequently tended to be similar in character and scale. Pairs of operators with shared intentions were found to induce further anomalies in the experimental outputs, especially when the two individuals shared an emotional bond. Which is to say that people working together had stronger effects, especially if their bond was strong. The data also displayed significant disparities between female and male operator performances. I have a pet theory on this. The women were able, generally, to impose a greater effect when applying their intention. In my hunch the rational for this is that females are on average, in today’s culture, more attuned to their intuition and inner sensibilities, which, in my understanding, is exactly how this is working: you are pressing your intention into the formative aspect/realm of reality which is in turn affecting the quantum potential or information field guiding the unfolding of physical reality.
Now other features of this phenomena, which are not unique to this experiment but are broad in nature, as we’ll soon discuss, is that they are not time or space constrained meaning, the intention can be set in the future or the past of the electron’s process, and it can be set remotely (i.e. from Kansas while the electron process occurs in Taiwan) and this effect is similarly present. It defies classical understanding of time and space, that we’d have to be ‘here’ and ‘now’ to affect the process. Again I have a pet theory. This is obviously true because this affect is happening in the non-local or ‘inner’ or ‘formative’ aspect of reality, which is beyond linear constraints and is universally self-aware.
Additionally this group (and others) have observed the effect of group consciousness on machine or random processes. They will place the machine near a large event. They notice that the behavior is not affected at a business conference, but it is at a music festival, or a spiritual gathering. Also they observe effects on the machine performance during major world events like tsunamis, where the collective consciousness is seriously pressing into something on a global scale. The machines act up – their distribution pattern is more variable.
As PEAR lab puts it, “The random devices were also shown to respond to group activities of larger numbers of people, even when they were unaware of the presence of the machine. Such “FieldREG” data produced in environments fostering relatively intense or profound subjective resonance showed larger deviations than those generated in more pragmatic assemblies. Venues that appear to be particularly conducive to such field anomalies include small intimate groups, group rituals, sacred sites, musical and theatrical performances, and other charismatic events. In contrast, data generated during most academic conferences, business meetings, or other mundane venues showed less deviation than would be expected by chance.”
Also intriguing are Remote Perception studies. Also known colloquially as Remote Viewing, this is when one person, say looks at an object and a different person, say a few hundred miles away, is able to perceive remotely what is being looked at. Here’s a quick write-up by the Princeton lab on the subject:
In another class of studies, the ability of human participants to acquire information about spatially and temporally remote geographical targets, otherwise inaccessible by any of the usual sensory channels, has been thoroughly demonstrated over several hundred carefully conducted experiments. The protocol required one participant, the “agent,” to be stationed at a randomly selected location at a given time, and there to observe and record impressions of the details and ambiance of the scene. A second participant, the “percipient,” located far from the scene and with no prior information about it, tried to sense its composition and character and to report these in a similar format to the agent’s description.
Even casual comparison of the agent and percipient narratives produced in this body of experiments reveals striking correspondences in both their general and specific aspects, indicative of some anomalous channel of information acquisition, well beyond any chance expectation. Incisive analytical techniques have been developed and applied to these data to establish more precisely the quantity and quality of objective and subjective information acquired and to guide the design of more effective experiments. Beyond confirming the validity of this anomalous mode of information acquisition, these analyses demonstrate that this capacity of human consciousness is also largely independent of the distance between the percipient and the target, and similarly independent of the time between the specification of the target and the perception effort.
Note again that this processes is not time-dependent, in that the observer may
be looking at the object in the past or future and the effect is still
Another set of studies, related to this time feature, is Precognition. A classic example is pulling cards and trying to predict them (i.e. Jack of Spades), although the laboratory methods are more sophisticated. That is the principle though: predicting the future. Or perhaps more accurately, perceiving the probable future. Again, conglomerating hundreds of studies, there has been found a very real effect. It’s like information from the future is somehow available to us.
And from understanding the multidimensional nature of the formative, or inner, aspect of reality, this is what we would expect, even though it transcends the reality of our linear, outer world.
One more concept of intrigue is quantum entanglement, which is a pointer into the interconnected nature of the universe. This is our observation of information exchange occurring in a non-local fashion, which is to say that information is instantly available across time and space instead of having to travel through time and space (which we understand to have a maximum speed of light).
The fact of this non-local or instantaneous self-awareness of the Universe leads us to infer some connection, some wholeness, featured in reality that up until this point has remained invisible to our sciences.
We could imagine the visual of an ocean of consciousness, out of which matter enfolds in time, and we perceive, say as waves on the surface. And while it’s true that we can rock in boats on the surface and experience the waves going by, it’s also apparently true that the Ocean as a whole is aware of everything going on all at once.
This is when David Bohm enters the picture.
For him reality is exactly this: a whole interconnected organism that is aware of itself. It creates, explicates, enfolds, i.e. makes a subset of itself into seemingly separate phenomena, we could call it matter. Breathing in and breathing out, it is enacting this manifestation process.
As a feature of this process, the aspect of reality that is interconnected, whole, which Bohm calls the implicate order, provides information to the aspect of reality that is relatively separate (although still embedded in the whole). Mathematically a quantum potential is included for this – a field guiding the explicated reality, providing it with information about the whole system.
So let’s go back to the example before, with the machine anomaly. What could be going on is the aspect of the human that resides in the ‘wholeness, timeless’ aspect of reality is setting an intention there which is then included in the information wave that guides the process, or the explication of form. Instead of random, the process is influenced or informed by the intention.
What we are beginning to see is a much more alive and dynamic creationary process for the formation of reality. One that is happening here and now, and not only in some distant past (the big bang),
The principles, or takeaways, are as follows:
+ an Aspect of this Universe is Whole, Connected
+ information is not constrained by time and space as we’ve conventionally understood
+ our minds have access to the framework of reality in which this ‘non-local’ information exchange takes place
This is getting fun.
Thoughts here on why his interpretation isn’t mainstream.
From <https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#drafts?compose=15554a09eaa9cc7f>