
Prep for Medicine Walk

As an exercise upcoming, we have a Medicine Walk.

This is a one-day adventure.

At dawn, you arise. (Or upon natural waking)

You fill a gallon of water.

And you walk – far from your home. If you live in a city, then drive somewhere first.

SPEND THE WHOLE DAY WALKING. You have your gallon of water.



The natives say if you fast in nature then you will cross a threshold, and nature will come alive for you.

Notice when the birds come. Everything is magical on this day.

What graffiti catches your eyes.

What is speaking to you?


Falling away. In a fast, often what is not needed falls away. Clarity that is simple should emerge.

Hours of wrestling end in peace.


Practical Details

Basically I am assigning you the recommended task of taking a MEDICINE WALK.

Perhaps swing for the Fall Equinox on September 22, or anytime between now and say October 1. When you feel inspired, called. Spruced.

Setting intention for the day is important, as is being open to whatever occurs.

Start with your own reflection on the ‘subconscious ducks’ exercise that I discuss in the video in the next lesson: which has a starting point of identifying the main themes for your spiritual growth that are ‘on the table right now’.

You and I can discuss before you set off – and you’ll report back your experience to the groupo, after you medicino.



If you feel more sincerely called to spiritual growth at the moment (these things come in seasons), then you can take your prep up a notch.

The ritual is to make a small fire, by yourself, in nature. (sort of a pain due to laws, backyard can suffice).

Give a little: some tobacco, some whiskey, some corn – or something your ancestors would enjoy. Ask them to assist too.

[NOTE – this is not normally how I operate, but when doing native ritual – invoke their medicine]

Pray deeply into the fire. Open heart sincerity (if you are doing this exercise, then your natural emotions are correct).

The name for this program is Diamond Tear, and one meaning is to truly shed a tear – and this may be the time.

//note this prep is to be done days or weeks in advance of your medicine walk