There was nothing in the scene that made any sense, other than the light pulsing from his own field.
Violet. He sensed what he sought was here.
The gates though were stale. Dirty. There were flies. The beings who managed this territory knew not of the real things. They festered in shadows. Sought measly cheap victories, short sighted binges, impulses and fetishes. Shadows.
He understood what is was and allowed his purpose to fill the place. Breathing and sensing. He pressed into the ground and his field expanded. He became comfortable. The territory knew his presence now.
A bird chirped softly. He knew what to do.
Quickly and calmly he sauntered off the center track and through a grove of trees. Ducking and weaving as he went. He bent under a tree and touched the ground. Feeling the dirt felt right and he sent his psyche pressing for a vision. It was underground he knew. How to get in, though.
He continued on the track his feet had sent him on. Moments passed and briefly doubted this track but continued on.
Looking above him he saw the purply sky streaking in gold as the star of the system set.
It dropped the air pressure and he felt a chill. The wind licked at his face as he swept into motion again.
The opening came and he felt fortuitous. His left bicep thumped hard. Strong. And this was the right path. It was clear.
This enemy was potent and the stakes were high. It would drop his polarity and his field would suffer, he knew it. Yet he pulled his knife.
He moved.
Next Chapter
She felt the Shaman trace. It elated her with a warmth of hope. Knowing not from whence it came, she felt like today there was a possibility.
She held her high in the usual manner, but today it was effortless. She felt her spine spruce like a stalk. It made her feel as though she moon walked. She swept through the place, yellow gown.
The standard set of eyes fell upon her. Vermin. No hint of reverence in these halls, the creative miracle that pulsed through her veins seemed to stop in their skin.
They merely took, let things rot. The place was not clean. There was a smell, an issue with their hygiene. A roll in their skin. A sag in their eyes. Some obvious sign of their betrayal of their creaturehood, a sickness. The place reeked of it.
She felt it as a cloak in the air. She impulse-generated her egg shell of diamond blue. Varying the color based on the needs of the situation. Hands grabbed at her and she would merely tighten the muscle accordingly and send energy outward to meet the grip. She gave it no further thought. It was merely part of her condition here – she was a slave, a prisoner, and a defiance.
Love. She kept it in her heart. The butterflies knew.
Next Chapter
He greatly desired not to kill as a bird purred overhead.
He leapt into the energy field in his intention and called in the highest assistance available. He pressed his toes into the dirt with deepest intent. It curled through his being, the surge of the Planet’s Energy. He directed his device from the bird to the guard. The bird did not move, though.
He had been hopeful that something would happen, he so badly hated to kill, and so undoubtfully needed to enter this building. Her purity demanded it.
He began to move into the space in which he could kill. And at the same moment, the guard retreated.
Lucky, he thought. The gates remained open.
His thanks to those that guided him was unending and unspoken. Killing did not please him and thus a way would be presented.
‘Hold On’. He heard the guard shout to some comrade he could not see. Following quickly, he walked through with assured purpose.
Knowing where to go, he darted left. He found the comrade looking over the gate and easily took him down in one blow, elbow. This, he enjoyed.
He took the uniform on and walked with purpose.
No doubt crossed his mind. Swiftly, with a gravity that held him to the floor he created a wake and pressed forward. The space and he melded into a Unity that he felt as a familiar gaze.
Warmly he perspired.
He felt like a Hunter, knew where to go. A wolf like spirit stirred in his bones. He dropped his center into his feet with his spirit, which rose up through his crown again. He pulsed.
She was in the room he now pressed against. It was the giant lobby that held all the comers and goers; a Tavern more or less. Soon he would need to kill.
He opened the door and assertively walked through. She noticed him by his posture. The way he held his head.
The mere press of his energy field alerted everyone in an unconscious sense. His attention gangbustered like a pulsar.
He loosely registered the adversaries while maintaining his singular focus. There were a few enemies of caliber that in aggregate could be defeated by his knife and bone alone. The majority of the situation was swamp, the kinetic force equal to the amplitude of the driving spirits. He could move through it unabated.
Her yellow had caught his eye almost immediately. As he approached her he merely moved his head to the left whilst holding the corner of his eye.
Almost in rhythm, she found his gaze. He darted his visor towards the door in which he had entered.
She slowly followed in that direction as he did the same.
Feeling alerted presences stir, he turned to the room at large, still walking towards the door, and said, “There will be a moment’s passing until I return with the Diva.”
And with that, he opened the door that she stood by, and allowed her to walk out – patting her lower back with his left hand, reassuringly, and dropping a Lazgun with his right. Shutting the door he knew the echoing of the boom to mean they had been sufficiently jarred into stillness.
He swiftly jogged in the lead. There was no need to speak, but he said, ‘Follow me’.
She had a tribal quality, and jogged with the creature she was.
Like a princess who was of the land. He felt a surge in his being. He imagined great days ahead.
He paused once to turn and look at her. She gave him eyes that only said I am aware and let’s go. This is my purpose now, this movement of escape.
He flowed with it.
One laser whip from his wrist sensor, as two guards prevented their exit. Or tried to.
They were dead, and this did not lift his spirits. But the open gates and the beckoning trees were of greater value.
She was worthy of this cost.
Dropping one more man as he crossed the door, he felt victory complete.
The jog continued for another hour. He heard one boom, minutes after their exit. He felt certain they were not followed tightly.
The place would be in disarray.
At the landing pad, he heard the movement of the ship. It started immediately upon his entering the local sphere.
Turning and grabbing her by the waist, he said.
‘There is nothing to fear. We will escape.’
She smiled, appreciation dripping from her gaze. Her eyes held a stoics acceptance of the danger remaining.
Lifting off they quickly encountered a blue sky that beamed of freedom.