There are many lenses into ‘new physics’, or Quantum aware physics.
As many readers already know, the experiments of the 20th century called for a re-write.
One worthy version to intake is David Bohm’s.
Bohm was one of those questioning ducks like Einstein, who was his elder at Princeton.
So he made a textbook called, The Undivided Universe: An Ontological Approach to Quantum Physics.
That word Ontological means ‘what is actually happening’, to the best we can describe it. Which was Bohm’s goal: to describe what was actually happening.
And in working towards this, he uncovered new math, which found the reality to be ‘Undivided’, which is in the first half of the title, and is like we discussed in the Entanglement topic.
First we need to understand that there were strange studies in Quantum Physics that required a wider perspective to groc or understand with clarity.
They did not make sense when we found them – and so we needed a bigger view to understand them, which is what Bohm saught.
[Doulbe Split and Which Choice Experiments]
What Bohm ended up producing is giving us a wave equation that included awareness itself, as the overall holding container for physical reality.
A decent metaphor is to think of water and ice, you know, just phases of the same thing. And our reality that we know, is a phase of an overall reality – as if we are ice cubes in water.
Our scientists are working very hard to investigate the teeny-tiny building blocks of
We then found the nucleus to be very small, and the whole atom itself to be mostly a field of charge.
But what is the nucleus?
We found
“Gluons are force carriers and is a gauge boson and so is bosonic in nature. So you can think of them as being made out of Charge or Energy (either one of them). They act as a medium for strong interactions between Quarks. Quarks are the elementary particles that make up the protons, neutrons and electrons.”
Now the depth of this ocean is still an explorative topic… but the point is that we are finding the place to be mostly charge or energy, or mostly water, is what I am saying, and the ice that we know is more like a phenomenon or state, of water.
Energy… What is Energy?
Here’s the thing. Bohm.
Textbook – “An Undivided Universe: The Ontological Interpretation of Quantum Theory”.
Bohm saw the problem, and he accomplished the task. Moved it forward, at least.
He described what is going on, and even created solid math for it – new math for which we can do large-scale (Einstein’s Relativity) in the same set of equations as Quantum Mechanics dealing with the very small. Two worlds, finally one.
After Bohm’s hard work, Yoda smiles.
What Did Bohm Find
The main thing Bohm did is add a factor to the equation: and the factor was source-field, or the holding field springing the reality we know into focus. They were finding back then that many experiments would shift results if an observation was made. Thus, Bohm accounted for that factor.
And it neatly solved all problems.
The summary is this: we live in a field of consciousness, which Bohm calls the Implicate Order. The physical reality that we so regularly interact with is a subset of that, which he called the Explicate Order. The two have a breathe-in, breathe-out relationship, and both are vital parts of the whole: but ultimately, the Implicate holds the Explicate.
Which is to say – the root fabric of the place is the Implicate order, a gestalt of awareness, that actually has various degrees of order and power (the Implicate, the Super Implicate)… we’re not sure how far it goes in Bohm’s math, or any science to date, but it may be an Octave (7 levels and a recreation). 7 seals, chakras. 7 days.
Imagine back to the 20th century when all this is being sparked.
Take an experiment like the double-slit as an example, where the electrons behave differently when there is an observer of the process.
This is pretty fun.
Digging into this to understand deeper as technology advanced, experiments were designed such that an electron would set out on a path and then, via automation and randomization, a ‘selection’ would occur and configure the future obstacles for the electron accordingly. Somehow, electrons were able to ‘know’ which choice would be
So essentially physics in the 20th century was having all sorts of problems.
Now as Bohm went about putting the math for this together, it clicked into place that a field of information had to be part of what was happening.
It became the most coherent explanation: that the experiments, like all of reality, were occurring inside a field of consciousness – that Bohm called the Implicate Order. So that’s why a ‘choice of experiment’ or ‘observation’ could affect the electrons’ behavior: because the electrons are interacting within a field of information that is the Implicate Order where those intentions, and observations, are known.
The creation is always happening
In the Implicate Order, there is potential for ‘holographic’ communication, or ‘spooky action at a distance’, where information can instantaneously be exchanged. That good ole ‘non-local’ communication.
The hologram metaphor was suggested because, with certain types of holograms, from any piece of the original hologram you can project the full image – as if the All is in the Parts. (albeit in diluted fashion)
Bohm’s math suggested it being a little like that for us, as if the entirety of creation is somewhat enfolded into its parts.
Funky. Groovey. Tuvey.
A Whole New View
Now with Bohm’s big picture lens, we could look at the Force of Will experiments again – with the electrons going left and right via intention upon encountering a ‘random’ splitter, and see how it makes sense.
If you remember, the situation is where the electron is going to split left or right. Then someone intends for a certain outcome – and the intention affects the result.
Electron Left! And boom: a real influence occurs.
Think of the placebo effect, too. People’s minds affecting their biology.
If we view
The Implicate Order (awareness gestalt) is actually, as a real information field, affecting the unfolding of the Explicate Order (physical reality).
The spiritual oneness. And the trew-trew.
Or is it so? Bohm is just a lens.
Your experience. Pudding served.